Building Self-Confidence

2 days

Target Group
anyone who is struggling with
self-confidence, including recently
promoted or new employees

exercises, case studies, self-tests, focused group discussions

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What is self-confidence?
Confident behaviour patterns
Modifying limiting beliefs
Improving confidence techniques
Achievements and strength inventory
Power-posing and self-image

Delegates will learn to:

  • explain what confidence is
  • understand where confidence and self-esteem come from
  • identify their current personal confidence level and possible causes of low self-confidence
  • visualise the outcome they want
  • develop a positive inner voice
  • use techniques to improve confidence
  • increase self-belief and start performing to the best of their ability
  • understand how fear affects our self-confidence
  • modify limiting beliefs
  • look and feel more confident in a personal or professional environment
  • feel more motivated and positive when they’re under pressure
  • start feeling equal to others

Confidence building techniques

Goal: to support trainees to learn and use effective short and long term strategies to develop their self-confidence

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