Inteligență emoțională – Curs deschis online – 2022
It has been shown that Emotional Intelligence or EI can be even more critical than the power of the cognitive brain usually measured with IQ. In others words, if you want to succeed, you would be much better off working on your soft skills, empathy, communication skills, understanding others and so on than to become better only at a specific technical skill.
Some people have read the classic books on EI and think the concept is great, but still wonder what it really means in practice for them. The best way to learn Emotional Intelligence is through group interactions and in a controlled environment such as a training course.
This course allows delegates to focus more specifically on personal skills using a variety of examples, case studies, example conversations and techniques to master each EI competency.
General Objective
The goal of the training session is to make participants aware of many behavioural traits which help them better understand themselves and others, and improve a set of core personal competencies: self-awareness, self-management and relationship management.
Target Group
This course is valuable for the ones who want to improve self-awareness, self-motivation and self and relationship management.
Specific Objectives
By the end of this course, the participants will be able to:
- identify the main EI competencies and know how each area can contribute to their personality and interaction with others
- learn how EI competencies can significantly improve their life and help them progress
- recognise and understand own moods and emotions and their effect on others
- manage and regulate their emotions
- control and guide emotions so they can achieve more and vastly increase their productivity
- analyse their behaviour, manage reactions from others and create a balanced portfolio of life roles
- adopt strategies to prevent emotional hijacking and learn how to replace destructive thoughts with powerful thoughts
- change your negative thoughts and mentality to positive thinking and reduce worries
- recognise what it takes to believe in themselves and learn how to get motivated
- face fear and handle it to boost your self-esteem and confidence
- recognise the physical and health related benefits of Emotional Intelligence
- establish rapport with others and improve the effectiveness of communication
- understand others’ feelings when interacting with them and become a trusted person in their network
- understand others needs systematically and respond accordingly to get maximum results in interactions with them
Key Areas Covered
- Introduction to EI
- What is Emotional Inteligence?
- What constitutes the EI framework?
- What are EI competencies?
- Self-Awareness
- What is emotion?
- Why are we emotional?
- How does “Emotional Hijacking” take place?
- How does the brain process emotions?
- How does the brain perceive the world?
- What is a behaviour cycle and what are its implications?
- How can you boost your self-esteem?
- How to analyse and balance life to make sure nothing is neglected
- Self-Management
- How to take advantage of the power of optimism
- How to manage your anger effectively
- How to control your worry
- How to prevent ‘flooding’
- What are ‘positive replacement’ phrases and how can they help you?
- What is a ‘power continuum’ and how can it help you to improve your interactions with others?
- How to use positive mentality
- Self-Motivation
- How to motivate yourself
- How to avoid apathy
- Why some people are more motivated than others?
- What is the key mentality that leads to significant success?
- Why do we become afraid?
- What are different kinds of fears and how to handle them?
- How to get out of your comfort zone?
- Empathy
- How to have empathic communication with others
- What is the physiology of empathic communication?
- Social Awareness
- How to have effective group interactions
- How to listen positively
- What are the “Negative Listening Types”?
- How to raise your social awareness through listening
- Relationship Management
- What are the “Six Human Needs”?
- How to recognise others’ needs and desires
- How to categorise people based on their needs to make useful conclusions on follow up actions
- Handling Reactions
- What are ‘emotional reactions’?
- What is the root cause of reactions and what does it mean to you?
- How to seek and give support
Course duration
Three days – 8 hours a day
Training methods
Our team is using in training active learning methods, as:
- Role plays
- Games
- Case studies
- Focus group discussions
- Self tests and so on
Period, Location and Fees
Period: 23th – 25th February, 2022. The sessions start at 9 AM until 5 PM.
Location: online
Fee: The price of the training per participant is 350 Euro. The price does not include VAT.
- for 3 participants from the same company – 5%
- for 4 participants or more from the same company – 10%
The program will be delivered only if the number of the registered participants is minimum 10.
Codruța MirciManaging Partner
„Îmi place să descopăr structurile fundamentale ale proceselor și lucrurilor și să împărtășesc ceea ce descopăr cu cei din jur. Îmi place să înțeleg mecanismele care determină acțiunile oamenilor și mă bucur să-i ajut să trăiască momente de aha și să-și îmbunătățească capacitatea de a gestiona diferite situații organizaționale. Jobul meu îmi oferă rolul privilegiat de a acompania oamenii în călătoria lor de descoperire a sinelui, de creștere și transformare în cea mai bună variantă a propriei persoane.”
Codruța este consultant din 1999 şi trainer din 2001.
20 ani de experiență în managementul resurselor umane şi dezvoltarea competențelor, recrutare, selecție şi executive search;
18 ani de experiență în proiectarea şi livrarea sesiunilor de training;
14 ani de experiență în consultanță în domeniul dezvoltării organizaționale;
aproximativ 2900 cursanți în peste 300 sesiuni de instruire.
A dezvoltat și implementat numeroase programe de managementul performanței, centre de evaluare și dezvoltare și programe de dezvoltare managerială prin training și coaching.