DISC for HR Proffessionals course

Înțelegerea comportamentelor oamenilor folosind DISC pentru membrii departamentului de resurse umane – Curs

Înțelegerea comportamentelor oamenilor folosind DISC pentru membrii departamentului de resurse umane


Identifying people’s behaviors is one of the essential skills for Human Resources professionals.
The main aim of the Understanding People Behaviours training programme described below is to transfer to participants a technique which may be used in many HR activities as: selecting the most suitable employees for different jobs, identifying potential, evaluating training needs, designing career paths.
Trainees will become aware as well of their personal behavioural traits which help them better understand themselves and others. Also, at the end of the training session, trainees are equipped and capable of using an instrument for better understanding people and interact accordingly.

In this highly practical course delegates will learn and develop:

  • Self-Awareness, Self-Management, Self-Motivation
  • Handling Reactions
  • Understanding Behavioural Styles with DISC (Drive-Influencing-Steadiness-Compliance)
  • Relationships Management
  • analyzing a job specification and identifying required behavioral competencies
  • identifying candidate behaviour, suitability for jobs and potential

Target Group

The training session is addressed to HR department’s members (specialists in recruiting, evaluation, career path, training, Business Partners) who are willing to improve their performance in identifying people behaviour.

General Objective

The goal of the training session is to make participants capable to understand themselves and other people’s behaviour and to interact accordingly.

Key Areas Covered

Understanding behavioral types DISC – (Drive-Influencing-Steadiness-Compliance)

  • recognize behavioral types – DISC
  • how each behavioral type communicates
  • identifying strengths, weaknesses and opportunities in work relationships
  • assess your individual strengths
  • identify the behavioral work style of others and how to better interact with them
  • acknowledge the value of individual differences on a team

Behavioural types DISC

  • What is DISC
  • What are the advantages of using it
  • Characteristics each behavioural type
  • What is my behavioural style
  • What are my strengths and limitations

Recognize behavioural types

  • Recognisable characteristics
  • Identify behavioural types

Approach people

  • What are each types’ needs
  • What are each types’ communication style and how to better interact
  • Using feedback and questioning skills to better understand others


  • Why should I adapt to others?
  • How should I adapt?

Behavioural Analysis of Jobs

  • Understanding role description model
  • Defining behavioral competencies required for a certain position

Identifying candidates’ and employees behavioural traits matching with positions

  • What can someone expect from a person with a certain behavior type?
  • The link between behavioral traits and career path
  • Identifying potential through behavioural analysis
  • Specific soft skills training needs for each type of behaviour.

Training methods

Our team is using in this training active learning methods, as:

  • Self-tests
  • Games and role plays Exercises
  • Case studies
  • Focus group discussions

Period and Location

Period: 29th – 30th of October 2020. The sessions start at 9 AM until 5 PM.

Location: Timişoara, A&C Consulting Centre’s training room.

Trainer: Adriana Badescu

Contact: adriana.badescu@accc.ro


oct. 29 - 30 2020


All Day


Timișoara - A&C Consulting Centre
Timișoara - A&C Consulting Centre
Str. Suceava nr. 5A 300015 Timisoara, Romania


A&C Consulting Centre
A&C Consulting Centre


  • Adriana Bădescu
    Adriana Bădescu
    Managing Partner

    „Cred în oameni și în dezvoltarea lor. Mă simt fericită când împărtășesc cu alții ceea ce știu, să-i văd dezvoltându-și competențele și crescând pe poziții superioare. Mă bucur să lucrez în firmă cu oameni pe care îi apreciez. Mă preocup permanent de dezvoltarea mea și a celor din jurul meu: îmi place să învăț din interacțiuni cu oameni, situații, proiecte, sesiuni de training și cărți.”

    Adriana este consultant din 1995.

    23 ani experiență în management, dezvoltare organizațională şi consultanță în resurse umane;
    23 ani experiență în dezvoltare şi livrare a sesiunilor de training
    15 ani experiență didactică în universități (a predat management şi managementul resurselor umane)
    18 ani experiență în management şi dezvoltarea afacerilor
    A proiectat şi implementat programe de dezvoltare organizațională şi de dezvoltare managerială, a facilitat proiecte de dezvoltare de strategii şi schimbări de structuri organizaționale alături de echipele de management, face coaching pentru manageri de vârf şi mijloc.