Conducting a Successful Recruitment and Selection Process – Open Training Program – 2023
The quality of an organization is, to a large degree, merely the summation of people it hires and keeps. Everybody knows that getting competent employees is critical to the success of every organization. Insuring the selection of the right people to join the team is one of the most important decisions made in the life of an organization.
The proposed training session will approach the practical aspects of the recruitment and selection processes.
General Objective
The main aim of Conducting a Successful Recruitment Employee Selection Process training session is to contribute to the improvement of participants’ knowledge and skills about the complete recruitment process, from recognizing the need to recruit to making an offer to a candidate. Also, the training session will facilitate the exchange of experiences between members of different organizations.
Target Group
The target audience consists of the members of HR departments or managers who want to improve or develop their recruiting and interviewing skills.
Specific Objectives
By the end of this course, the participants will be able to:
- prepare a relevant job specification for a vacancy comprising well-written competencies
- understanding behavioral types DISC – (Drive-Influencing-Steadiness-Compliance)
- understand the importance of adopting a structured recruitment process
- identify the most effective recruitment methods which will attract the right candidates
- implement a recruitment process to attract sufficient applications from potential candidates
- design a selection process which will ensure that the best people are recruited
- recognize behavioral types – DISC
- plan and undertake effective one-to-one interviews
- differentiate between those candidates who ‘do a good interview’ and those that can ‘do a good job’
- recognise the importance of using a range of selection tools
- arrive at soundly-based selection decisions combining information from a variety of sources and ensuring the support of all interested parties
Description of the training session
The overall aim of the recruitment and selection process should be to obtain at minimum cost the number and the quality of employees required to satisfy the human resource needs of the company. The training session covers the main features of the recruitment and selection process in the areas of obtaining and selecting candidates under the following headings:
- Looking at recruitment alternatives
- what are the alternatives?
- predicting the need to recruit
- recognizing the costs
- Defining requirements. Analyzing the vacancy
- compiling a job specification and writing competencies
- candidate profile
- sources of information
- Behavioural Types
- understanding behavioral types DISC – (Drive-Influencing-Steadiness-Compliance)
- setting profiles based on DISC
- Recruitment methods
- advantages and disadvantages
- Advertising
- writing a recruitment advertisement
- making an advertisement that stands out
- Recruitment metrics
- tools to measure the impact of a recruitment strategy
- how recruiting metrics help improving the process
- Short listing
- how to shortlist
- reading between the lines
- assessing a CV
- Selection methods
- advantages and disadvantages
- tests, assessment centres and other selection tools
- The interview
- competency-based approach
- preparing competency-based questions
- structuring the interview
- Dealing with subjectivity
- arriving at soundly-based selection decisions with the support of all parties
- influencing the selection decision
- Interviewing skills
- questioning techniques
- gathering accurate and detailed information from the candidate
- creating the right atmosphere for an interview
- pacing and timing
- taking notes
- Behavioural interviews skills
- interpret the behaviour of candidates using DISC analysis
- establish the behaviours to be clarified in the selection process
- develop and use a questioning style appropriate to behavioural interviews
- conduct behavioural interviews
- understand the importance of emotional intelligence in the selection process
- Improving selection procedures. Reference and offers
Course duration
Three days – 8 hours a day
Training methods
Our team is using in training active learning methods, as:
- Role plays
- Games
- Case studies
- Focus group discussions
- Self tests and so on
Period, Location and Fees
Period: 8th-10th February 2023. The sessions start at 9 AM until 5 PM.
Location: Timişoara, A&C Consulting Centre’s training room
Fee: The price of the training per participant is 420 Euro. The refreshments and meals are included. The cost does not include VAT.
- for 3 participants from the same company – 7%
- for 4 participants or more from the same company – 10%
Number of participants
Maximum number of participants is 12.
The program will be delivered only if the number of the registered participants is minimum 10.
Codruța MirciManaging Partner
„Îmi place să descopăr structurile fundamentale ale proceselor și lucrurilor și să împărtășesc ceea ce descopăr cu cei din jur. Îmi place să înțeleg mecanismele care determină acțiunile oamenilor și mă bucur să-i ajut să trăiască momente de aha și să-și îmbunătățească capacitatea de a gestiona diferite situații organizaționale. Jobul meu îmi oferă rolul privilegiat de a acompania oamenii în călătoria lor de descoperire a sinelui, de creștere și transformare în cea mai bună variantă a propriei persoane.”
Codruța este consultant din 1999 şi trainer din 2001.
20 ani de experiență în managementul resurselor umane şi dezvoltarea competențelor, recrutare, selecție şi executive search;
18 ani de experiență în proiectarea şi livrarea sesiunilor de training;
14 ani de experiență în consultanță în domeniul dezvoltării organizaționale;
aproximativ 2900 cursanți în peste 300 sesiuni de instruire.
A dezvoltat și implementat numeroase programe de managementul performanței, centre de evaluare și dezvoltare și programe de dezvoltare managerială prin training și coaching.