People Management

 (HR for non-HR managers)

3 days

Target Group
middle, top and senior managers

simulations, case studies, games, focus group discussions

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Why is the managerial function of organising people important?

What is the role description?

Types of competencies and how to evaluate them

Interviewing skills

Interviewing – STAR method

Performance evaluation and compensation

Delegates will learn to:

  • organize people – defining jobs, roles and required competencies, understanding organizational structures
  • create efficient organisational structures
  • recruit and select – using selection tools that work best with various kind of jobs, competency-based approach, structuring the interview, performing the interview
  • integrate new members within the team
  • apply performance management principles, systems and tools
  • evaluate subordinates fairly and objectively
  • apply compensation and benefits principles and tools

Organize, select and evaluate people

Goal: to offer support to delegates on how to define jobs, to organize teams and departments, to select, evaluate and reward people

We really care about people, organisations and results