Conducting a Successful Recruitment and Selection Process

3 days

Target Group
members of HR departments or managers who want to improve their recruiting and interviewing skills

role plays, exercises, case studies, self-tests,
focused-group discussions

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Characteristics of local labor market
Defining requirements
Behavioural types
Recruitment methods and metrics
Selecting methods
The interview
Interviewing skills
Improving recruitment procedure

Delegates will learn to:

  • prepare a relevant job specification for a vacancy comprising well-written competencies
  • understand the importance of adopting a structured recruitment process
  • identify the most effective recruitment methods
  • implement a recruitment process to attract sufficient applications
  • design a selection process which will ensure that the best people are recruited
  • understand behavioral types DISC – (Drive-Influencing-Steadiness-Compliance)
  • recognize behavioral types – DISC
  • plan and undertake effective one-to-one interviews
  • recognize candidates who can perform
  • use a range of selection tools
  • arrive at soundly-based selection decisions combining information from a variety of sources

Recruit and select better

Goal: to improve of participants’ knowledge and skills about the complete recruitment process, from recognizing the need to making an offer to a candidate

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